Saturday, June 12, 2010

St. Brigid's Well

We experienced so much of Catholic Ireland during this visit. It was something we were really looking forward to this go-around. Just south of the Cliffs of Moher was St. Brigid's Well. It's hard for non-Catholics to understand the devotion we have to Saints, but it is something so central to our faith. We are all called to be Saints and they, having been human themselves, are examples we call upon to help us strengthen our own selves. They are beautiful examples to us.

Many believe the waters of St. Brigid's Well have healing powers. Said to have been converted to Christianity by St. Patrick himself, many have left symbols of thanksgiving at this place for the healings they attest to her intercession. Our wonderful hostess Ann told us of this spot--many thanks to her because we would have passed by and never had known otherwise. It was so peaceful.

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